Hannah Carlile
French and Linguistics Major, 2017
“I started learning French just for fun, but the courses and instructors were so amazing that I couldn’t stop! I now have an undergraduate degree in French from UAF. In my courses, I learned French through participating in a French play, reading historic French literature, watching French films, and interacting with my class. Not only did the program teach me enough French to study abroad at a French-speaking university for a whole year during my degree, but it also gave me a great community while at UAF. Thanks to amazing opportunities offered by the French program at UAF, I studied at the Université Laval in Québec City, Canada on a full scholarship, and then was also sponsored to perform some studies and scholastic projects in Paris, France. The classes were informative and interesting, and the French club so active and too much fun to miss! After graduating, I returned to UAF to teach as an adjunct faculty of Elementary French through face to face and online courses for one year. Now, I am a graduate student at Vanderbilt University’s Peabody College getting an M.Ed in International Education Policy and Management. Alongside studying, as a graduate assistant of the Humphrey Fellows Program at Vanderbilt, I am gaining experience in aiding the advancement of underdeveloped systems of education across the globe. The French program definitely has changed my life and I know that I will continue using my language skills upon my next graduation.”
Letter from Vanderbilt University, Fall 2018
“Dear Yelena [Matusevich],
On behalf of my colleagues here at Vanderbilt University’s Peabody College of Education and Human Development, I want to convey our sincere thanks for your letter of recommendation for Hannah Carlile’s application for admission to our 2018 class.
We are also grateful for the support and mentorship you give to students on their intellectual and professional journeys. Once again, thank you for your support of Hannah Carlile’s application and I hope to see recommendations for equally strong students from you in the future.”